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来源: photoshoptutorials  作者:Andrea Garcia

Learn how to add a deadly-look to a portrait photo. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to use a skull to give the face a creepy look, apply lighting effects, and more.

Preview of Final Results


Tutorial Resources

Water Background – knightfall-stock

Model– xstockx

Skull – christasvengel-stock

Texture – shadeybabey

Webs – redheadstock

Skull 2 – fantasystock

Step 1- Choose the Model.

This Picture is great to create this type of manipulation, because the model’s make up help a lot.


Step 2 – Change the size.

To do this go to Image -> Image size. Or Press (Alt+Ctrl +I). Resize the image to: Width:837 X Height: 1300 pixels and press ok.


Step 3- Select the Model.

Use the Lasso tool to Select the model.


Step 4- Duplicate a Layer

To duplicate that selection press Ctrl + J. Also you can give a right click in the selection and press the option Layer via copy.


You are going to have something like this:


Step 5 – Less Saturation

Duplicate the layer once again (Ctrl + J). In this layer reduce the Saturation (Ctrl + U) option Saturation: -100.


Step 6- Set the layer blend mode in Soft light.

To get more contrast use the layer in soft light mode with and reduce the opacity by: -50.


Step 7- The Skin

Use the Lasso tool to select the model’s skin and duplicate the layer (Ctrl +J).


Step 8- Reduce the Saturation

Press Ctrl + U. Or go to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/ Saturation. In the option Saturation reduce at -50.


Step 9- Multiply

Duplicate once again the model’s layer, but the one you desaturate earlier(Ctrl+J). And change the mode to Multiply.


Step 10- Blending the layers.

Now you need to blend this three layer together. With the right click underneath the layer choose the option “Merge Down.” Do this also with the multiply layer. At the end you will have just one layer.


Step 11- Using eraser at the edges.

Pass the eraser tool in the model’s outline, to get a softer look at the edges.


Step 12- Skull

Open the skull layer and put over the model’s face.


Step 13- Reduce the size of the skull

Press Ctrl+T and reduce the skull size ultil it fits with the model.You can reduce the opaticy to see through the skull layer.


Step 14- erase the parts you don’t need

Leave just the “eye” of the skull, erase the rest with the eraser tool.


Step 15- making the other eye.

Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J) to make the other eye, and change the size (Ctrl+T)


Merge the layer with the first one. And continue with the free transform until you get the result you want.


Step 16 blendig the eyes

Reduce the saturation (Ctrl+U) or Image – Adjustments- Hue/Saturation. Saturation at: -53.


Step 17 – keep blending

Duplicate the eyes layer and use the layer in soft light mode with 30% of opacity.


Step 18- Finding the nose

Pick the nose from another skull, and select it with the lasso tool, press Ctrl+J to copy the selection.


Step 19- reduce the nose

Make the nose smaller with free transform (Ctrl+T).



Step 20- less saturation

Reduce the saturation of the nose (Ctrl+U) or Image- Adjustments- Hue/ Saturation. In the option Saturation: -70.


Step 21- more details

Fix the nose with the smudge tool.


Step 22- Working with Colors

Go to the original layer of the model. And Duplicate (Ctrl+J). Change the color of that layer pressing (Ctrl + U) or go to Image- Adjustments – Hue/ Saturation.Change the Hue at 233 to get a purple tone.Then press ok to save the changes.


Step 23- Change the opacity of the layer.

Reduce de opacity of the layer to 40% to get this result.


Step 24- Another Layer.

Duplicate that layer (Ctrl+J) and change the color (Ctrl+U) or Image – Adjustment – Hue/ Saturation. In the option Hue put 200. You have to be in the colorize option. To save changes press ok.


Step 25- Use the layer in soft light mode.

Change the layer mode to soft light to get this result:


Step 26 – make the model stand out

Add a new layer (Shift+ Ctrl + N) and paint it with a soft brush using white, black and violet like this:


Step 27- Add some blur

Use Gaussian Blur – Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur: 150 of radius.


Step 28- Changing layer order.

Put the layer under the model’s layer and change the mode from normal to soft light.


Step 29 – Add some webs

You can used spider-webs brushes. Create a new layer (Shift+ Ctrl+ N) then reduce the opacity to 50%. Select the brushes and paint over the new layer.


Step 30- Add some fog

To create the fog you can used brushes of clouds of foggy brushes. Paint over the layer and then change the opacity of the layer to 80%.


Step 31- More fog.

Add another foggy layer but in this case change the layer’s mode to Color Dodge to get something like this:


Step 32- Crazy Layer

Add a Layer like this one:


Step 33 – More effects

Change the layer color (ctrl + u) or Image – Adjustments – Hue/ Saturation. Use the menu In colorize option. Then in Hue change it to: 260 and Saturation at: 40.


Step 34- change layer mode

Use Layer in soft light mode


Step 35 – Light

Add a new layer (Shift+ Ctrl + N) and use it in soft light mode with 70% of opacity. And paint around the model with a white soft brush.The diameter of the brush in this was 300 pixels.


Step 36 – more lights

Create a new layer (Shift +Ctrl + N) in the top. Then used the paint bucket to apply gray to the layer.


Step 37 – change to overlay and paint with dodge and burn

Used layer mode in overlay, and paint with dogde tool to create light and with burn tool to create shadows. In this case use the dodge tool in the righ side and the burn tool in the left side.


Step 38- High Pass

In that same layer apply a High Pass Filter. To do that go to Filter- Other – High Pass. Change the Radius to 50.0 and press ok to see the changes.


Step 39 – Photo Filter

Apply a photo filter to the image. Go to the layer menu and press the icon “Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer”. Then press the option Photo Filter.


Then find the photo filter Deep Blue and press Ok.


Step 40 – Hue/ Saturation

Go once again to the layer menu and press the icon “Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer”. Then press the option Hue/ saturation.


Reduce the Saturation by -25


Step 41- Elliptical Marquee Tool.

Create a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + N)Pick the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make an oval around the image.


Give a right click in the image and choose the option “Select Inverse”


Step 42- A bucket of paint…

Now Choose the Paint Bucket Tool and paint in the selection.


Step 43 – Fading

Used Gaussian blur to fade the selection. Go to filter – blur – Gaussian Blur. Put 150 of radius.


Step 44 – The final touch.

If you think the image is looking way to dark. Press (Ctrl + T) To change the size of the layer. Make it Bigger until you get the desired result.


Yay!!! That’s it, Hope you enjoy following this tutorial!!

Final Results




